This past weekend, we hosted a little get together with friends to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It was super sweet + super simple, and I love how it all turned out!

Because we hosted it after the actual holiday, the decor was all 50-60% off. Even the flowers were on sale. These particular flowers were from a local grocery store, but I do want to find another source for flowers grown locally.

I picked up these two wooden boxes last year. They look rustic but they have a plastic liner for flowers. At Christmas, I did two red floral arrangements using pine needles and pine cones for filler. I took these boxes out again for Valentine’s and stuffed them with pink + white flowers and a bit of eucalyptus which smelled so lovely!

For the guests, I put together a savoy and a sweet board. I was surprised at how many heart shaped things I found! Crackers, cookies and sour gummies!

We also did chocolate covered strawberries and apple roses. One year, my sister-in-law introduced me to these delicious apple roses. Ever since, I make them for the holidays. They are so easy + yummy and when I was trying to think what to have for the party, hubs suggested them. Roses + Valentine’s? Perfect!

It wasn’t just a party for the adults. Em’s friends came over to celebrate, too! We set up a craft table with Valentine’s stickers, note cards, glitter glue and all sorts of pink + red crafty things. The kids had so much fun creating!
For favors, there was a Valentine’s basket set out with pink “Love Me” scented glitter bath bombs for the guests to take upon their departure.
I had fun putting together this little party and celebrating with friends. I hope your heart holiday was a lovely one, too!

Hello friends! For the month of February, we’re offering free shipping on our custom house sketches. This applies to both our moving announcements and our 5″ x 7″ house prints!
If you’d like to snag one of these custom orders or want more details, please contact us. We’d love to work with you!
February 1, 2019 // Comments Off

Sometimes, something very special happens. A client returns, and not only are they looking for a reorder but they’ve done this or that to their home and they want cards to reflect the changes. That’s the case with these note cards.
Thanks P family! We really enjoyed working with you again!
September 17, 2018 // Comments Off

New Orleans will always have a very special place in my heart. The music. The food. The architecture. The parades. The French Quarter. I have so many wonderful memories of visiting New Orleans while I was growing up. I spent many of my holidays and summers there and I miss it so!
Congratulations on your lovely NOLA home, A!
September 12, 2018 // Comments Off

Yesterday, I spent a chuck of time editing pictures for blog posts. Moving announcements. Birthday pictures. All sorts. Must catch up! Haha.
In addition to our custom moving announcements, we also offer note cards that showcase your lovely home. Like these!
September 11, 2018 // Comments Off

Happy Monday, dear readers! I’ve been super behind on posting recent work. Especially so many lovely homes. Like this one.
Belated congratulations on your home, C + J!
September 10, 2018 // Comments Off

I realize it might be 100 degrees outside where you are. Your mind is far from the holidays. But! If you send them out, now’s a great time to think about holiday cards. Our custom moving + holiday combo cards are very unique. If you have recently moved…

Or you are half-way through the moving process…

Or you will be moving…

Or maybe your business has a new location…

Or even if you haven’t moved at all…

Contact us! These custom illustrated cards take about 4-6 weeks for completion, and we’d love to work with you!
September 5, 2018 // Comments Off

Last year, we moved into a new home. It was by chance that I ended up meeting the previous owner before we closed on the house. And, in those few hours we spent chatting, I learned that they had not only planted a garden but also fruit trees and bushes. A satsuma tree, peach tree, blueberries and thornless blackberries. This past weekend while Em was swinging on her swing set amongst the bubbles floating in the air from her new bubble machine, I peeked at the fruit trees and bushes and I saw baby fruit! I am so excited! Fresh, homegrown fruit for the summer!
May 4, 2018 // Comments Off