new home + new paint

as if we didn’t have enough going on in our lives with our little baby due in a bit over 6 weeks, we decided to also buy a new home. eeks, right?! we could have stayed put, but with a little one, we knew we could really use more space. so, i think back in january, kacey and i decided just to see what was out there. we agreed that if nothing was really worthwhile, we’d stay in our current home and then re-evaluate the house situation later on during the year. good news is that we found a great home. scary news is that if all goes as planned [crossing fingers tightly!], we will be moving a month before the baby is due. here’s hoping i don’t go into labor early and we close on time!

the house we found really doesn’t need much work. it’s a newer home, the rooms just received a fresh coat of paint and the flooring is new, too. however, the previous owners of the home have two little boys. currently, one of the guest bedrooms is painted a medium blue and the other a deep golden yellow. since we’re expecting a little girl, we’ve been gathering paint swatches and trying to figure out what colors to paint these two rooms. we’re also tossing around the idea of painting our new office space.

right now, for the nursery, it’s a toss up between going the typical pink route or going in more of a neutral direction. we’re considering benjamin moore’s wild aster and martha stewart’s buckwheat flour. I think either would work well with our dark wood furniture. plus, we really haven’t picked a concrete color scheme for the nursery since we knew we could be moving into a new space.

in the new home we’re also thinking about painting the office a nice sea foam color. i’m liking sherwin william’s sea salt or benjamin moore’s robin’s nest. sea salt is more soft + subdued and robin’s nest is more bright + cheery. our office furniture is all white and birch [thank you, ikea!], so i think either of these colors would keep things clean + fresh in there.

in our previous home, we played it safe and had neutrals in all the rooms. the trim was benjamin moore’s muslin. the guest rooms, utility room and bathrooms were painted benjamin moore’s stone house. our living room, kitchen, dining and master bedroom was benjamin moore’s scarecrow. we found that the scarecrow in the main rooms was a bit too dark, especially since we didn’t get much light. this time around, we are very aware of the need for lighter walls, especially in the smaller rooms.

so there you have it! we’ve been quite busy these past few months. preparing for baby, purchasing a home, packing and keeping up with + growing our business!

3 Responses to “new home + new paint”

  1. emily // March 18, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    I wanted to let you know that I just had a baby girl and am almost done with her nursery … but it goes well with the colors you mentioned so I thought I’d pass on the link.
    Just a little inspiration for a non-pink baby’s room.

  2. julie // March 19, 2010 at 1:29 pm

    emily – thanks for sharing your beautiful nursery with us. it has so much character!

  3. office blues :: // March 31, 2010 at 5:54 pm

    [...] we picked up enough paint swatches for the office? before, we were considering robin’s nest and sea salt, but then we decided robin’s nest was [...]

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