em’s third birthday party

A few weeks ago, we celebrated Em’s third birthday with a pixie party! You’ve seen the letterpress printed invites we sent out. Now it’s time for us to share her party with you!

Em loves Tinkerbell and all of her friends. So, we decided on a loose fairy/pixie theme for her party this year.

em's third birthday party

And, after noticing that the Disney fairies combined make up the colors of the rainbow, I knew we had found our color palette for her party.

em's third birthday party

We rented out a space for her party and invited all of Em’s classmates and a few friends from her dancing class. The place we chose is actually a space for co-op playgroups. It turned out to be a great choice. Not only was the facility gorgeous, it was fully set up for kids under the age of four.

em's third birthday party

There were different areas for the kids to do all sorts of things like play dress up which they loved!

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

As promised, there were fairy wings for all of the children to put on.

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

em's third birthday party

And there were magical things like a pull string pinata…

em's third birthday party

that unloaded lots of sparkly treats for the kids…

em's third birthday party

including pirate ships + gold doubloons.

em's third birthday party

Her pixie party was a big success and so much fun to plan! A hearty thank you to everyone who came to her party + celebrated with us. We’re so lucky to have you in our lives!

I plan to do a follow up post featuring links on where we got everything to make her pixie party come together. If there is anything you are curious about, please leave a comment!


2 Responses to “em’s third birthday party”

  1. Kristin ~ Bien Living Design // April 28, 2013 at 9:40 am

    What a lovely party!!

  2. em’s third birthday // the details « // May 1, 2013 at 1:49 pm

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