keepsake growth charts

now that em is getting bigger, i want to get a growth chart to hang in her room so that i can track + record her height. i don’t really want to get a decal since i want to be able to save it as a keepsake. here are a few that i’ve spotted and like. i absolutely love the wooden rulers, especially the center one, but i think they would be too cumbersome to store long term. have you seen any others that you love?

1 animals + numbers // 2 heirloom growth chart // 3 jumbo ruler // 4 zig zag // 5 personalized ruler

3 Responses to “keepsake growth charts”

  1. nole // September 4, 2010 at 9:20 pm

    Have you tried Jonathan Adler? They had a couple of really cute ones in their booth at the New York Int’l Gift Fair. They were new, so I’m not sure when they’ll be available, but I think you’d love them!

  2. julie // September 6, 2010 at 5:33 pm

    thanks nole! i’ll have to check that out.

  3. em’s growth chart « // April 12, 2012 at 3:57 pm

    [...] while back, I blogged about my search for a keepsake growth chart for Em. I’ve been meaning to share with you the [...]