em’s second haircut

I have a confession to make. A week after Em’s first haircut, I cut her hair. Again. By myself.

em's second haircut

If you recall, for her first haircut I was worried they would cut off all of her curls. So, when they asked how much they should cut off, I said only a teeny bit please! The stylist mentioned that she would have cut more to even out her never-cut-different-lengths-baby-hair but did as I requested and only cut the very tips.

Her comment stuck with me and I realized that yes, her hair did look a little weird. The underneath side was much shorter than the top layer. And after thinking about it for several days, I finally grabbed a pair of scissors, put her in front of the television and trimmed her hair. And I’m so glad I did it. Yes her curls aren’t the same and she looks more grown up. However, I think her hair looks so much better!

In the picture above, you can see the three stages – from pre-haircut to first haircut to second haircut.

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