press restoration

painting the pearl

painting the pearl

This weekend, Kacey gave our second Pearl a nice shiny coat of black paint. Now, all that’s left is putting it back together and moving it into our studio!

priming the pearl

pearl treadle

Thanks to the extended weekend, Kacey was able to do a lot of work on our second Pearl Press. He finished stripping it and applied a coat of primer. Funny, our first Pearl’s primer was a mustard color. This one is more like ketchup.

How was your holiday weekend?

cleaning our second pearl

back of platen

You can file this under gross. It’s years and years worth of ink and grime on our newly acquired Pearl press. After doing a bit of cleaning, we’ve discovered there’s much more work to do than we initially thought. Our first plans of just using a degreaser fell apart once we realized the gunk wasn’t budging. Now, we’re using a paint stripper.

The picture above is layers of ink + grime on the backside of the platen, and the picture below is the buildup on the chase holder.

chase holder

colorful past


Even though we call it our Pearl no. 2, it’s technically an Improved Pearl Press #11.


It’s the same as our other press, now known as Pearl no. 1, which is also an Improved Pearl Press #11.


I love these pictures of the new to us press. The drips and splashes show us its colorful past.


Before finding it’s way into our studio, it was used for 30 years by a man with a commercial printing business in Missouri.


The man in Missouri purchased it in Amsterdam, New York. He also thought it may have enjoyed some time in Europe prior to it’s stay in New York.


I can’t wait to begin using this press and add more chapters to its story.

pearl no. 2

It looks like all of our toe + finger crossing worked! The press was in pretty good condition. After 24 hours of driving to get it, the press now sits in our garage. Kacey will be spending the next few weeks stripping, sanding, priming, painting and putting it back together again just like he did with our first one. He has quite a project on his hands!

road trip

If all goes well this weekend, we’ll have a new addition to the studio. A second Pearl Press. We’ve been on the search for some time and finally found one. Kacey and his dad will be taking a big road trip to pick it up, provided it’s in good working condition. Our fingers + toes are crossed!!

What about you? What are your weekend plans?

fixing up the pearl

We spent the last week and a half stripping, sanding, priming and painting our beloved Pearl.