
em’s second haircut

I have a confession to make. A week after Em’s first haircut, I cut her hair. Again. By myself.

em's second haircut

If you recall, for her first haircut I was worried they would cut off all of her curls. So, when they asked how much they should cut off, I said only a teeny bit please! The stylist mentioned that she would have cut more to even out her never-cut-different-lengths-baby-hair but did as I requested and only cut the very tips.

Her comment stuck with me and I realized that yes, her hair did look a little weird. The underneath side was much shorter than the top layer. And after thinking about it for several days, I finally grabbed a pair of scissors, put her in front of the television and trimmed her hair. And I’m so glad I did it. Yes her curls aren’t the same and she looks more grown up. However, I think her hair looks so much better!

In the picture above, you can see the three stages – from pre-haircut to first haircut to second haircut.

halloween // 2012

halloween 2012

Did you have a good Halloween? Ours was pretty fun. Here’s our Halloween rundown…

1 – Em playing in the bucket filled with goodies for the trick-or-treaters.

2 – Em and her friends getting ready for the Halloween parade at her school.

3 – Like we’ve done previously, we gave trick-or-treaters the option of candy or Play-Doh. Again this year Play-Doh was the favorite!

4 – Her favorite part of her Cinderella costume? These light-up glass slippers.

em and the view-master

em and the viewmaster

When my family came to visit this weekend, my grandmother brought with her a vintage View-Master along with vintage reels of Disney World, Snow White and The Flintstones. Em loved it and it was fun to look back on how Disney used to be. Some things haven’t changed much like It’s a Small World. Other things are long gone like the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ride and Skyway buckets. My grandmother thinks this View-Master was for my uncle when he was little and thinks it’s Bakelite from the 40′s. I hope to find more vintage reels for it!

pumpkin patch // 2012

20121020_pumpkin patch

20121020_pumpkin patch

A few pics from our weekend trip to the pumpkin patch. My family was in town so we all got to go! Once again, Em loved all the little tiny pumpkins the most.

a few things

em's first haircut

1 – Em got her first haircut! Remember how I was nervous? Well, all turned out okay. More on that in another post soon.

2 – We got back from a super fun family vacation. More on that in another post as well.

3 – I have lots of letterpress goodies to share with you. Moving announcements [don't forget they are on SALE now!]. Business cards. Birthday invites. Oodles of awesome to come.

first day of dancing

first day of dance class

Yesterday was Em’s first day of dance lessons. She was so excited. After class she told me, “Mommy, I was dancing!” Her happiness melted my heart.


maw maw's 90th birthday

Today, my grandmother turns ninety years old. It’s really, really hard to believe that’s she’s ninety. She’s a such a go-getter. Still very much active and happy. She lives six hours away but wanted to spend her birthday with us. So in a few hours, we’ll be celebrating all that she’s experienced and achieved in the nine decades of her life. To many more happy + healthy years, Maw Maw! We love you.

fourth of july 2012

fourth of july 2012

We celebrated the Fourth with a local parade followed by a very yummy lunch with Kacey’s brother + sister-in-law. Hope your Fourth was fun!